Why do we exist ?
Many people’s experiences within the existing mental health system include long waiting times, high costs and the inability to access care unless you’re in crisis. It can also be incredibly disempowering to not be able to have a say in the support you receive or who delivers that support. We harness our lived experiences to augment the current system and remove existing inefficiencies.
What does MyBubble do?
How do we do this?
Our mission
Web3, Metaverse & NFTs
What people are saying
Very simple app in terms of usage with the potential to save lives! Currently using this app to help a family member going through a tough time who struggles to communicate his feelings in conversation. Now he can hit a simple button to let us know a little extra support is needed. Can't wait to see what updates the future brings!
Russ Taylor
Practice self-care and stay emotionally connected with family and friends!
Journal your mood
Practice regular daily self-reflection in your mood diary. Sort your moods into Good, Meh and Bad, and tag activities, like work, study and school. Add your innermost thoughts and emotions to the notes section of your diary - you can choose to share your mood, but your notes will only ever be visible to you.
Track your mood
Use MyBubble’s mood tracker to discover what triggers bad moods, when anxiety crops up, which activities increase stress, and what helps you achieve a sense of wellness. Explore your mental health tracker day by day, and see how your mood trends according to times of day and activities.
Stay connected with those you care about
When we get stuck in a rut, it can feel impossible to reach out for help. With MyBubble, everyone in your Bubble can send a mood alert at a click of a button to share how they’re feeling to whoever they want. It has never been easier to open up or stay emotionally connected with one another.